elon has FU money and I envy him for his nonchalance / non-capital corruptibleness.
elon is not accountable to any doubters pulling the carpet. if someone wants to not fund him, so be it. he's not anyone's bitch/slave. he's his own main backer.
and just for that reason, pursuing wealth is this very noble thing. in the capitalism age in which 99.999% humans modify their ethics/morals to fit their money making abilities, elon stands out this way and has higher freedom because of that.
I am still to this day shackled to my client's satisfaction. even if the client's evil or wrong, I'll agree to be "the nice guy", not because I agree with them, but because I'm accountable to have my folks paid.
hence why FU money is desirable.
so let me rephrase this, for most: to have higher ethics/morals, you need to become rich.
freedom = choosing. freedom = giving you the wings to choose what's good over bad.