I’ll be making a 3 part of my best cold email campaigns of 2023. Lots of value there so without further will do, let us start.
1- inviting you to my podcast
it’s no secrets that my podcast funnels have been making a complete killing this year. I interviewed 1.5k CEOs this year and a bunch of them converted to clients. my template to do so is the following:
hey {{first_name}}, would love to have you on the CEO Wisdom Podcast to talk about {{Company}} and {{vertical}}, mind if I send you more info?
this year I’ve added around $5B networth to my network and this approach is mostly responsible for it. I’ve met billionaires, top scientists and new cofounders. People not on the monetized podcast trend are missing out.
2- buy intent list
who would say no to free buy intent lists? These AI built lists signal some folks intent to buy your services. These are precious. In my field, it’s all about the offer. While my competition is offering “free demo calls”, I just give out free contacts lists like Santa Claus. This gets me in the chimney.
3- start your podcast
My best offer this year has been to help folks start their pods. No surprise, as the “let’s book a call” to action has been weaker and weaker. People want to start their pods to grow their network, sell to their ICP, have fun and learn, all at once.
4- Giving out free AI lists
AI was hot this year and me giving out lists of top AI CEOs was quite popular. It’s not mining that pays, but selling shovels. Foot in the door, at scale.
5- seen you on X podcast
Landed some pretty heavy guests on my pod from just scrapping other podcasts guests and reaching out to them saying I’ve heard about them from {{JRE Show}}.
6- News approach
I’ve reached out quick to many Israeli CEOs to capture their impression of the newly started war and got great replies. Folks were eager to talk, vent out and find solutions. Being fast on the trigger always pays off.
7- Spicy / Taboo niche no one wants to hit
Sextech is a hot new niche and most are afraid to hit it, but not I. What I discovered: ambitious founders, many of whom females. Made great content + some converted into clients.
8- Using Y technology / competitor
Using the technology filter to find competing solutions pays off much. For example, if you target someone using a solution that’s less performant than yours, it can be cool to reach out and entice better.
9- Join my mastermind
the ai division of my mastermind lvl96.com did well this year. AI’s hot and ppl didn’t want to miss out. “you’re 1 tech stack away from being rich”.
10- hot or not niches
Crypto had a shit start this year but gathered velocity around Q3-Q4, so much so that web3 became my strongest niche by the end of this year. Getting rid of many bad actors and focusing on solving problems always pays off.
11- Ex-{{Company}}
People complicate while simple sells. Just mentioning that you’re targeting ex-Amazonians is doing more work than 95% of your competition. As you can see from these replies, ppl have a strong emotional connexion to their backgrounds. More on that on the next 2 newsletters / cold outreach reviews.
So this is a part 1 of 3 folks, as I have 3 main accounts I launch my campaigns from. This arguably has been the weakest of the 3 so I’m excited to share the next 2!