I’m doing the Spartan Ultra in Mexico City in about a week, here was my prep leading to it:
Multiple Apple Fit Treadmill Runs. 10, 20, 30, 45mins. different intensities. the treadmill is a cold, brutal, unforgiving machine.
Running on Vibram Barefoot to avoid injuries
Apple fit HIITs, CEO HIIT Club and Sport City. The crossfit / obstacle popping aspect of the race.
My current mindset:
These are easy compared to other stuff I’ve been doing. These are fun. Popping obstacles increases testosterone while running is boring. These are in the woods, more natural / at ease / beautiful and lead to fewer injuries ironically.
I booked a nice Airbnb with views in CDMX + will go eat at a Michelin after i’m done.
Ultras are fun and run by a few ppl. This means less humans and more silence for me, I don’t like being stuck in between crowds. I’m good at running and popping obstacles, can make up for a nice time, and am not that destroyed after the events. I’ll bring up nice music to make the run less B.
Would love for you to join me on a further Spartan :)