I’ve been breaking myself in 2 to make my masterminds work in the past years. This outsized effort is a result of my degree of bullishness on the mastermind thesis:
masterminds are great to grow your network and increase sales
masterminds are great for emotional support, post-covid CEOs and Founders are lonely and need a safe spot to hang out and chill, laugh and share pain.
and lately, i’ve got to double down on the 2 following mastermind benefits:
masterminds are great for insights and you need to be an epic insight-generator to make them fun, as a leader, but also the folks you invite. Masterminds are about sharing easy hypergrowth ideas and having tip-top CEOs put them to work (the idea-action loop). In my case, everytime I hear something great about the mastermind, I convert it into a cold email campaign to test out the idea. I get paid big dividends from doing that and so do other CEOs/founders on the call. only a couple of my masterminds have that excitement and chemistry, and this is the challenge: sharing value / going open-source is not natural for most. It takes me months to filter the proper people and add them together in a room. maybe AIs could help?
masterminds can be content engines. I’ve been filming masterminds lately and folks that don’t wanna be filmed just get cut out by my Opus.pro AI editor (so no privacy issues). Opus takes the full video and cuts it in shorts. We get around 500+ views/short and generate more interest, giving us an extra layer of ROI from the time spent on the mastermind. Being “filmed” also forces you to bring your best game to the mastermind. Education is about entertainment and education… edutainment, and knowing we’re recording just steps the energy to the next level. We aren’t scared of saying what we think as we can always remove it from the call. And that’s where I think my masterminds can have a different angle than others. New generations, young people with an open mind in sync with Silicon Valley, would be interested in these. I do not target old shmucks that thrive off privacy.
So with this in mind, I’ll be doubling down on these concepts. It took me around 100 masterminds to get these insights. Product-Market-Fit takes a very, very long time.
What are your thoughts on this?