what i learned from doing 1000 lunges, 1000 jump ropes, 500 jump lunges, 500 dips, 500 pushups and 500 jack knives
pain is wisdom
So last weekend while you were chilling I was suffering. Not that I was really suffering, but my muscles were screaming pain and my brain was calling for an early retreat.
What did I learn from doing 1000 lunges, 1000 jump ropes, 500 jump lunges, 500 dips, 500 pushups and 500 jack knives?
Pain is wisdom. Pain will bring your traumas out. It will bring the child out of you. “Help me! Save me! Mommy come for me!” while being an adult is handling pain. Protecting your family from it, as too much pain exposure may lead to permanent damages. Leading is about carrying something on your back and going for more. Pain exposes your flaws, your shortcuts. So that you can work to improve each flaw. Replace the broken with titanium.
Go into tough stuff with no expectations. Reality is always different from your plan. Go right into the tough stuff, and if it hurts more than expected, don’t make a drama out of it, stay flexible and move on. maintain cortisol low and ride on endorphins / dopamine waves.
Let your Moonshotter moonshot. I let my visionary take the wheel when it’s about shooting high. My cortisol-OCD-planner is not part of what I’m aiming for. My visionary is great at setting impossible goals as it knows what I’m truly capable. It knows that capable of generation billions in less than a decade, for example.
Let your planner handle the final-small details. My prep for this Ultra HIIT: nutrition-supplementation. 2 glasses of water. my iPhone. No shirt. I had to re-adapt my strategy to crunch the reps a couple of times, but that’s the space I gave my OCD-self. It’s seen and heard, but not responsible for much of my success in these tough events. High performers have their perfectionists on a tight leash. Low performers have their perfectionist leech on them.
Your Inner Coach is everything. “The Coach” takes over 80% of my personality on any given day. The coach is calm, fatherly, honest and is there to boost me in low moments and to reinforce patterns in my high moments. The Coach is responsible for pretty much all my success nowadays. The Suck will come sooner or later. The Coach has my back. The last thing he’ll do is engage in a pity party. “Poor tummy of yours”, “you should stop your legs are giving up”, you know, the stuff our parents taught us from overprotection and their fear projection. The coach is strong and stays strong. You say something, you do it. You finish it. No matter the time, no matter the form. Get it done now.
CertifiedGrit.com is pain-as-a-service from the discomfort from your home. let’s zoom you in and certify your grit to the world.