I’ve spent probably 30% of my whole week writing, thinking and playing with GPT. It’s changing the fabric of society, and I’ve never seen/felt anything like it before. We live in very interesting times. No crypto hype, the value’s real.
I suggest you go check my latest AI rants on LinkedIn, it’s some stuff you haven’t seen before: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sdr-as-a-service/recent-activity/
You will learn at least one thing from these.
But in a nutshell, AI vs. your business, what you need to know:
-> AI will be a force of good for people that adapt. Stay to the current of the latest news, and constantly try out tools. Because AI now makes the competition instantly better if they use X AI tool.
-> use GPT once a day. any questions you have. you will learn tons.
-> use GPT to write {{your favorite writer}}’s copy
-> use midjourney to produce cool images
-> follow AI news on Apple News or via
Let yourself be consued by AI. Grow with it :)