I launch 4 main campaigns for my outreach clients nowadays:
Podcast funnel campaigns
LinkedIn Outreach
Product Market Fit Forever Testing Campaigns
Product market fit’s about taking 1 product feature / angle and testing it on multiple audiences: CEOs, CMOs, CFOs → of fintech, SEO agencies or VCs in SF? Each product variation, a campaign. Each target, a campaign. That’s a lot of campaigns in the end. That’s why the “forever” in the “product market fit forever campaigns”.
I’ve been running my own campaigns non-stop since 3 years. That’s more than 2000 product market fit campaigns. And I still can’t say I’ve fully hit product market fit. As the market constantly moves, so do I, and do my products.
I suggest CEOS-founders do the same. You can’t rest on a potential product market fit in 2023. You need to have 2-10 of them in the bag if your PMF-A fails.
Cold outreach is the best way IMO to deploy product market fit testing at scale. The cost is near 0, the response is instant and the platform is anti-fragile: email.
I was looking at this guy yesterday still using Facebook Ads in 2023 to hit potential PMF. Too long, too complicated, too reliable on Facebook banning you. Too B2C. I ran an FB Ads agency for 3+ years and maxed out the platform, so I know what I’m talking about here.
The fastest growing companies I’ve interviewed on the podcast scaled through cold email. They also understood Product Market Fit and the Experimental Mindset.
This should light up cold outreach lights in ya :) whoever you are: VC, successful CEO, 100M ARR founder. Cold Outreach, and still cold emails, yes, is the lowest hanging fruit for scale.
Apollo’s what I use mainly. The challenge is maintaining the habit to deploy. lmk if I can help with that.