there are multiple backends to my podcast, it’s arguably the most genius growth mechanism one can think of in 2023.
most see podcasts as talking shit on the radio but in reality it:
makes me a better question-asker, a top 5 skill to nurture if you want billions, happiness, and everything in between
generated me a $5B network in less than 6 months
generated me multiple six figure rev so far, and I haven’t even got started
generated me insights worth millions
is my evergreen, aka my long term bank account
Now here, I’m adding another element to the existing master plan, so listen up.
I’ve always been searching for the perfect business. Heck, I’ve spent the last decade of my life building the business that’ll build other business.
The pod’s been a mechanism for me to know where the best product market fit (PMF)’s been, added to all my other systems: cold email, audiobooks, clients, etc. I’ve succeeded into launching multiple Max PMF businesses, most in productized services, 10X faster than most and at scale. I’m currently seeking CEOs to manage some of these businesses for me.
Now, some of these Max PMF businesses, say a Chrome Extension AI Reply SaaS, take a while to build. Hundreds of product building hours. So I’m seeking to partner up with some folks that want aggressive growth. Product folks seeking extreme growth folks like me.
So my Masterplan 3.0 is that I’ll partner with the best businesses I’ve interviewed on my podcast and take care of their front end leadgen.
Aka, you serve clients, I generate them for you. We’d go 50-50 on most sales or something quite high that makes it worth my while.
I’m seeking for businesses that are:
High Ticket. I don’t dance for anything under 5k for < 1 hr of my time
High Demand. ie
Low Competition.
Offer ppl can’t refuse.
Ways I can be helpful, other than setting us up with 100+ meets / week:
international expansion
targeting a new clientele
helping you taste AI outreach and true scale
coming up with an offer ppl can’t refuse.
This offer is for the 0.001% out there. Businesses that I’d refuse to be monthly paid by, as the opportunity to lose big money from not partnering up would be too big.
If we can make this work, I’d also ask for shares.
The criteria to the businesses I’d accept in this program is quite simple: your product needs to be more epic than all the agencies / businesses I already have, which already have extreme product market fit: podcast as a service, mastermind as a service, chatgpt integration as a service, etc. ← most businesses are nowhere near this. Why? because they don’t have a product market fit machine setup (step 1).
Send your offer and let’s see if we can fit!