cold email and newsletters go hand in hand.
here’s a campaign I’ll be deploying for 2024:
13 {{vertical}} cold email ai tips.
{{first_name}} can I send you my 13 {{vertical}} cold email tips? I’d send you the 13 tips right here as a reply (no PDF headaches) if you tell me yes + I’d subscribe you to my newsletter for more {{industry}} growth tips. Think {{Company}} could benefit..
But why “subscribe” folks to my newsletter when I can email them whenever I want with cold email?
Because cold email is non-permission. I need to have permission to really add as much value as possible and create superfans. superfans = super buyers.
superfans = building a community. It is one of my top goals to build a thriving community this year.
My goal is to get 10+ subscribers/day that way and create some referral mechanisms to this newsletter, so that ever superfan of mine refers at least 10-100 folks/year.
That way, I can reach 30-50k with this Charlesque newsletter. I’d try to reproduce that but for micro-niches and try to sell / buy newsletter that way for 2024. ie 1 newsletter for cold email ai (wouldn’t want to sell that one as I’m long on topic, or if so it wouldn’t be with a non compete), one in masterminds for consultants, one in podcasting for airpreneurs, etc.
Newsletters have been one of the most stable growth mechanism I’ve experienced as a decade long entrepreneur. I’m almost as bullish on them as I am bullish on cold email. Email is rock solid, it’s not moving anywhere and everyone in the b2b realm (which I’m heavily involved in) still uses it.
What do you think about the approach? hot or not?