My daily “productivity time” as a CEO is split 50-50 right now:
Building/sending cold email campaigns
Building content: linkedin, YT, twitter, newsletter, etc.
“Productivity” being defined as solo time, not selling, managing, talking to other humans, recruiting.
This time is productive for one reason: because I am writing → practicing my core craft. Every time I write, I become a better thinker, and a better communicator. This ripples like crazy through my life and business.
I also spread out this content and become a thought leader on many subjects: sales, cold email, CEO mindset, etc.
Now, me sending cold emails: WHY?! I mean, I run a 20+ employees cold email agency, why do I still do this?
Because I’ve outsourced it for 2 years and realized I was missing out on sales + client retention.
I’m the key R&D person in my company, and to experiment/develop new features, I need to get my hands dirty.
Me being a top cold emailer also makes our product and customer service better. More client retention.
This keeps me in touch with my core audience and helps me build content. My content helps convert more. Virtuous cycle.
And for my content, well, it’s a well-oiled system. I speak with clients and prospects that I generated via cold email, and get new content idea. I post and get feedback on LinkedIn. I get new cold email ideas. I practice my copywriting and thinking.
Sometimes, we love to complicate things, but if I spent 50% of my productivity time writing cold email scripts + sending them via Apollo, and the remaining 50% building content, I’ve had a productive day :)
What does your productivity look like?