One of my top 10 skills is being good at being right.
I unfortunately started cultivating that skill at the tender age of 10 and have refined this algo ever since.
My ego grew to an outsize as a result, but fortunately I was able to keep it in check since then and in the process saving me a couple of painful U-turn in the process. I still had a couple of those in the past few years, ie my mega-bet on team human (hiring 1000+ employees), my failed call centers in 2017 and my 2015 nootropicofounder bet.
Regardless, this year, I’m betting on many things: cold email, newsletters, masterminds, podcasting, linkedin, AI. And this channel that’s made to entertain Gen Zombie brains: YouTube.
I’m not so interested in having 32M subscribers making 432$/yr each, but I’m betting hard on getting a solid 1000 superfans with 8 figure net worths. And yes, for the record, I do believe in the virtue of money. More on that later.
Now, for YT, why’m I bullish?
1- Audio visual. This is were media is going, even pods, yes. Next step? More sensorial, ie smell, touch, VR. I’m On my way! to make my pod more visually entertaining, potentially bring sketching live or AI-gen’d graphics
2- I get my info on YT. I am my own ideal customer. I get schooled on YT a lot. From a guy that’s obsessed with learning, tells a lot. Ima stay there for a while. Ppl’s Netflix = my YT premium.
3- YouTube Shorts. These things go viral. To satisfy the “PR” / stats side of the industry/capitalism → I can build these things in seconds with AI and get 10k views in hours. ppl are impressed and I get more guests / clout as a result.
Are you bullish on YT? I’ve skipped over Clubhouse, TikTok and Threads. I cast my net wide, yet I’m hyper-focused on single channels, this being a great example.
Many folks disregarded me from not posting on typical pod platforms. I consume all my pods on YT. Probably not the only monkey doing that. Most of my contrarian bets usually pay off. Gonna start tracking these publically soon. like my airbnb 10xing in 10 years hyperbet.
u a YT believer too?