last year I launched unsuccessfully. the concept was to trade lists and after reaching out to a bunch of sales ppl to trade in their lists, I found out that none were interested. why? because most wouldn’t use apps like apollo, amplemarket or contactout. most sales folks are old school and most will be replaced by AI incredibly quickly.
hence when I’d ask them to trade list they thought I meant their existing client list / their CRM. I haven’t given up on the idea but will email tech-forward folks instead.
now, the idea occurred to me not so long ago: i’m giving out these valuable lists that cost me a fortune to accumulate. some folks are interested in precise lists so why not open a “list mart”, and why not call it 100$/list à la Dollar General Store?
And so I got launched. Took a couple of my most interesting lists, a Google Sheet, a Google Form, a Stripe Form, and voilà.
Updated my page to feature that offer, my email signature (which gets 100 qualified eyes per day), my linkedin (which gets approx 100 folks that scroll down there) and here we go, a bit of traffic. I’ll also update some email reply templates and plan to initially get 1 order a week, then 1 a day in a couple months down the line.
Fulfills my objective to get more micro transactions (cash flow) per month.
See this vid here for the quick explainer of that launch.