as a biohacker and an ex-nootropic business owner, I take a bunch of supplements every day. this is part of the “how” behind my 20 meetings/day schedule. I derive good energy for my daily stack:
caffeine+teanine stack
bunch of nootropics
tons of teas (my nickname is el señor de los tes)
sun exposure
cold exposure
daily uphill’s
daily weights
so I started out reaching to some supplement brands to
1) send me a bunch of supplements
2) pay me something for sponsoring the pod
1st, I pay a small fortune on supplements monthly, so it’s a win.
2nd, I get to live better and longer by biohacking.
3rd, while getting paid.
most of these brands will pay me a fee per podcast. say 100$ per pod, I do around 10 pods a day nowadays.
some others, I’ll just drop my affiliate link in my YT vid and see how many CEOs can actually buy the supplements I’d sponsor on the pod.
Everything starts with a vivid vision, followed up with immediate mass execution and then relentless follow-up. I got it narrowed down to a science.
I’ll get a bunch of my favorite products as pod sponsors this year. Some will sponsor some of my ultra endurance events / long form videos. Excited about this too.
What’s stopping you from starting a pod with a bunch of cool sponsors?