if you set hard goals and expect to meet them all the time - no flexibility whatsoever at play - you may suffer more than you’ll benefit.
I’ve been setting goals for a decade+ now. tried everything from moonshots, to 12 week year, to second brain, to GTD (interviewed the founder on my pod), to goal OCD, to no goals at all. What works for me is a hybrid between goal setting and adaptation - aka re-setting goals if you see you’re not reaching your goals. Letting my curiosity drive me towards my ikigai center but doing hard stuff every now and then.
I found out that most goals we set in first place aren’t relevant. I also found that in the age of AGI, where things are changing on a daily basis vs. our old world where things changed on a monthly basis, you constantly need to revisit your plan.
Being good at planning is hard. But I’ve found that podcasting and learning helps a lot. You are a better planner and doer if you invest in your learning/thinking. Life success is mostly about good decision making.
Nowadays, I go between a hybrid of long term goals - yearly and monthly ones, and am more flexible on the weekly and daily side of things.
what I’m seeing out there is that many folks either set non-relevant goals or eureka, reach the goals they’ve set constantly - either because they were too easy or because they were way too OCD in the process – loosing their soul and long term boosts in the process - ie a guy selling 1M a month but not satisfying his customers.
It’s time we rethink goal setting, just like it’s time someone rethinks productivity or personal finance. Our times are moving fast and our brain is struggling to adapt.
How do YOU set your goals nowadays?
Nice perspective. I'd be interested in your views on personal finance - the tease you placed in the post. I am rethinking our "save until your 65 then stop working" concept in the US. I don't think it applies any longer, especially for our younger generations.