Most people train for Everest with altitude masks, ice baths, and fancy gear. I’m doing it in my backyard.
Challenge: Climb the height of Everest from Base Camp (3,485m elevation gain) by repeating the same mountain ascent 15 times in one brutal ultra-effort.
The Plan:
✅ 5 ascents running to bank time early.
✅ 5 ascents power hiking as fatigue sets in.
✅ 5 ascents in survival mode—legs fried, brain cooked.
✅ 17-20 hours total, covering ~81km.
The Reality:
💀 200,000+ steps.
💀 Zero sleep.
💀 Pure mental warfare.
This is prep for my 110km in Brazil later this year. I will be officially scaling down my (not-so-successful) bodybuilding efforts to focus on endurance again.
Let’s see how this goes,