7 podcast errors to avoid
90% of podcasts close before a year because 90% are of podcasters are doing it wrong.
I see these messages (screenshots) every day. #podcast hosts charging to get you on their podcast because of their lack of resourcefulness. Or worse, stopping interview podcasts.
#podcasting can be a #leadgen machine because you can rank up 5-10 pre-filtered guests daily. 10% of these guests will end up buying your services.
You will also make money from sponsors and AdSense, off the guest's audience.
Most "interview" podcasts mess it up here:
1- They do 1 podcast a week and get disappointed when their only guest is bad
2- They filter the guest spending their own time
3- They do not have an outreach system to rank up the guests
4- Their auto-message does not filter guests enough
5- Their outreach is not pre-filtering profiles
6- They are targeting losers from FB or insta. I target CEOs and Founders from LinkedIn, wealthy people.
7- They haven't automated their full podcast process.
Not doing 1v1 interviews is missing out on leads, knowledge, and the joy of having a great conversation.
Usually, this is the beginning of the end, someone coming up with a simple solution to a simple problem.
I do 80% of interviews and 20% of solo pods. But remember, humans grow with other humans. Soloing doesn't scale. There is immense value in interview-based podcasts if you do it right.