2 solid insights for june - my full funnel
masterminds and affiliates | you'll want to read this one
thought I’d share these with you if you went through the mental marathons of determining that mastermind and affiliate programs are in the top 10 of “highest ROI channels”’ in our modern times.
I’ve been running lvl96.com for a while, struggling between making it a paid activity for my prospects or not. There are successful masterminds that charge 1-2k/m nowadays, like Hamptons. I find these are built on vanity and brand and don’t necessarily deploy more value than my masterminds.
I tried monetizing my masterminds with 2 methods while keeping them free:
a. having sponsors and
b. creating content out of them.
I’m still on these 2 ladder theses, but my main insight this month is to keep my mastermind free, attract leads/clients, and keep on ultra-filtering for top CEOs.
As what breaks masterminds are:
1) low-quality members taking and not giving (not pulling their weight) and
2) members not showing up, not seeing value, not putting it as a priority or simply being introverted.
So, I’m gonna invite a bunch of high-quality CEOs to a call, probably 7+ of them, in the hopes that at least 3 show up for a proper round table. Have the proper follow-ups to prevent no-shows, and kick low qual and no-shows out of the MM.
Film these, probably on a live call, and make content out of these. Create shorts out of these. And have sponsors.
This is the direction lvl96.com will take. 30% of members become clients of mine. So it’s mastermind as a lead gen funnel, not masterminds as a monetizable product. For now, at least. I find that this hyperscales with my current funnel:
Invite top CEOs on podcasts
Filter 10% of the best and invite them to my lvl96.com MM
Have 30% become clients/business partners/friends forever and become…
My full funnel doesn’t stop at clients/business partners/friends… people that trust you/have your back, and have tried your product and felt results will… refer the crap out of you.
I was trying cold email campaigns trying to get sales people resell my stuff but I really found out that these folks were not operating at my level. My aversion to employees continues on. I’ve onboarded around 5-10 affiliates with this method lately and found out it was a pain in the ass. I’d give these folks my 2.5k/month coaching for free and they’d deliver 0. They were takers mostly: employees. So now I have stopped this program, fired most of my affiliates and will start scaling my affiliate program through the pod → mastermind → client → affiliate funnel. I still have around 10-20 friends actively referring me at least 1 client per month so I’m good.
Very insightful month altogether. These 2 lessons are worth at least 10-50M in the next decade for me. Hope you could benefit from my massive AB testing and synthesis-prone brain. I’ll keep you posted for more insights.