Hey there,
Here are my top 13 cold email AI tips:
Nail down your ICP with AI. Apps like clay.com can help you filter the best lists with AI. Clay’s not cheap but to really narrow down your ICP, this is what you may use.
Send AI personalization. I use for example Apollo and ContactOut to pull out cheap lists and Persana.ai to Customize emails at scale.
Use your own API key to keep lists costs and AI copy personalization low
Use GPT 3.5 till GPT 4 becomes more affordable. It will cost me about 10$ to personnalize 1000 emails with GPT 3.5 vs. 100$ with GPT 4.
Prompting 101: keep your prompt simple, re-iterate. Make sure each word is measure. Study etymology as words mean one thing to GPT and another to you.
Promoting 102: prompt 1 personalization at a time.
My emails usually follow this format:
Start with non-AI and non-scalable emails before you go in the deep waters of AI
Always validate the AI results with the first 5 companies before scaling. Manually.
Modify your AI personalization with responses you get
Once you get a reply, send a semi-personnalized AI response to book a call
Use AI reminders leading to the meeting
Use an AI sequence after-meeting to close the sale
Hope you found these useful,
PS I also subscribed you to my newsletter where I build in public, sharing everything from my struggles, to my secret masterplans and epic ai outreach sequences that get me 100+ meets/week. This newslet is usually paid. You may unsub at any time.